Genuine. Accountable. Ethical. Are the words we live by at Kootkeet. We offer leather goods made of genuine cowhide leather, being handmade in our Fair Trade manufactory.

Our brand focuses on long-lasting, simple yet noble designs that adapt to the trends of time and sometimes surprise with a small detail. All leather goods are made of genuine and very little treated cowhide leather, which through the special tanning process leads to a unique color structure.

We also offer a small range of sheep leather products and leather sandals. Of course in designs for both man and women.

Kootkeet, that means ‚Mine & Yours‘, is a brand originating in Ethiopia, which now also operates internationally. With that step we want to share a small part of the beautiful and interesting Ethiopian cultural, therefore each product bears a name of Ethiopian origin and tells its story on its label.

Additionally, we offer our designs as White-Label-Products for bigger stores, to be sold in bulk – no minimum amount to be bought. Testing orders are welcome! And we turn your own design into reality as well.

With our work we also contribute to the economic growth in Ethiopia and invest in our employees by means of fair working conditions, further training and innovative employee-management.

Our manufactory employs only women, including women with impairments, because for them it is very difficult to find a fair paid job on the local labour market. We offer them and their families a chance of a better life. Our company attaches great importance to a family atmosphere and we make sure our employees do their jobs with joy. This is reflected in our products.
Kootkeet production is located in the capital city of Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa. Our salaries are 4 times higher than an average salary in Addis Ababa and 3 times higher than other comparable productions pay.

Even though our sales office in Germany is currently closed, our manufactory remains working, mainly with retailers directly.

Your Kootkeet family!

Want to work with us?

Call or write!

T + 251 911 38 34 90 

E hallo@kootkeet.com

Bole subcity, Woreda 07, No. 120 
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia